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Satya Ghattu's Blog
I work in a financial company where my team provides Architecture, IT, Engineering & Strategic support to Business applications. I worked for BEA Systems (now Oracle) for more than five years as a Senior Software Engineer mainly in the Operations Administration and Management aspects of WebLogic Platform. I possess vast experience in software development excelling in Middleware & Database Components and Core Java/J2EE technologies. I also lead a few open source projects and a contributor on Dev2Dev. Did I mention that I am the original author of WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST), the official command line tool for WebLogic Platform. I also hold a few software patents, prior to BEA Systems I worked in variety of software industries in various different roles as a Senior Java developer, Software Analyst and as an Oracle DBA. I have a Masters Degree in Engineering from The University Of Akron, Ohio.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Encrypting a string in weblogic

One of my developer was asked me this morning if he can encrypt a string so that he does not have to store a clear string in his scripts or variables while configuring resources especially JDBC connection pool's.

Continye reading here


Unknown said...

We created a userid in weblogic with some role and policy . We need a use this user id and password in our java code to connect to the server to destroy the JMS session

Our business user told to us not to user clear text password. I know we can encrypt the weblogic password using the below utility


Is there is any utility to decrypt the password?

Unknown said...

Arunkumar - Did you get an answer?
I'm facing with the same problem, and urgently looking for an answer.

Anonymous said...


Can this utility be used for encrypting text other than the password for datasource. For e.g. encrypt a text, include the same as an attribute for a web application. When this web application is deployed will weblogic ensure this encrypted attribute is available to web application in cleartext at runtime?


Satya Ghattu's Blog said...

Arunkumar - apologize for a late reply. Unfortunately there is no public method to decrypt an encrypted password.

Satya Ghattu's Blog said...

Sachin - You can include the encrypted string, but unfortunately there is no public API to decrypt the password.

Ed said...

I'd like to continue reading, but 404 you are in totally the wrong place :-(

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